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Important Information

All statements and technical information contained herein relate only to the products supplied by HEXIS® UK Limited and are based on information about techniques, best practice and tests which is obtained by HEXIS® UK Limited from the third party manufacturer of the products. HEXIS® UK Limited believes this information to be reliable but does not warrant or guarantee the accuracy of such information nor the applicability of any such information to any specific circumstances or intended use of products.

Our terms and conditions of sale a copy of which are included in this catalogue set out the full extent of our product warranty which shall apply to the exclusion of all other conditions, warranties, representations and terms express or implied whether by statute, common law or otherwise to the fullest extent permitted at law. The summary below is not intended to be a substitute for the provisions of our terms and conditions of sale.

All products in this catalogue are supplied by HEXIS® UK Limited as raw materials. Before use the Purchaser shall determine the suitability of either or both the product and the application method for the intended purpose, whether or not the intended purpose has been communicated to HEXIS® UK Limited. Notwithstanding any information set out in this catalogue and any discussions we may have had about products or otherwise, without limitation, the final selection and decision to purchase any particular product and the suitability of such product for the intended use or application is entirely the responsibility of the Purchaser using its own skill and judgement and the Purchaser assumes all risk and liability in connection therewith subject to and in accordance with the HEXIS® UK Limited terms and conditions of sale.

We strongly recommend that the Purchaser adopts a cautious approach towards reducing costs by using lower specification products. We suggest that vigilant process monitoring is essential and that the Purchaser thoroughly tests the product for its complete suitability in the end application. HEXIS® UK Limited does not test any materials in such way.

Not withstanding delivery of any products, legal and beneficial title in the products shall remain vested in HEXIS® UK Limited until HEXIS® UK Limited has received payment for the Goods in full in accordance with the HEXIS® UK Limited terms and conditions of sale.

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